Tuesday, October 20, 2009

A Call To Service

When asked in a recent interview what advice Oprah would give to women entering the work force she answered…

You should always aim to provide a service to people...

For me my love for clothing, accessories, and of course shoes is more then apparent to those who know me. But for those who do not, following my heart is what lead me to answer my call to service.

On a recent jaunt to South Florida I was enlisted for my first mission. My older sister Sara who is set to marry the man of her dreams in May was going to have to surrender half..... okay maybe 1/3rd of her closet. It is daunting, stressful even emotional at times. Luckily she had me at her service. The process was tedious and on occasion hilarious. Did she really used to wear that??

Not everyone has a sister who can help organize and refocus their wardrobe. Here are few ideas to help you get started on your closet.

-Think about the clothing you wear on a daily basis. For some this could be denim and t-shirts for others it could be suits and button down shirts, regardless move these pieces to the most accessible area in your closet. This allows quick picks in the morning it also keeps you from having to rummage through your entire wardrobe every time you dress for work.

-Gather all evening and "going out" attire and move to the back of your closet. These garments are usually made of more delicate fabrics and don't need to be shuffled through daily. By keeping them in a more protected area you will prolong their longevity.

- Remove all plastic from recently dry cleaned garments this will not only save space, but the plastic traps moisture which can damage fabric lastly remember check that your garment was cleaned properly.

When you are ready for a closet makeover schedule a consultation at DanaRKornfeld@gmail.com



*(Service available in the New York Metropolitan Area)